“Be still, and know that I am God...” (Psalm 46:10)

What does it look like to be still? Is it enough to BE... without movement? Or is it rather to EXIST... without concern or critique or care? Or maybe being still requires ACTION... making a decision to not settle in solitude or despair but rather to foster a space that will bring spiritual and mental clarity, creativity, and a sense of CALM over your life. Perhaps in the stillness, you have an opportunity to wrestle with your wonderings... and make sense of your wandering? Perhaps being still requires letting go? When you collaborate with the God of the Universe, BE STILL, and know that He is taking into consideration every facet of your well-being... could you fully trust that if He's holding the WORLD than He is certainly holding YOU?
What keeps us from this trust? What barriers limit our understanding of this love? Why is it so hard to believe that we are worthy of this love? A worthiness that has no prerequisites...
So... Stillness. Freedom. Clarity. Are these ideas connected? How do you pursue stillness? If you don't still yourself, do you think the circumstances of the world will still YOU? What might that look like?
I urge you, friends... to consider and pursue the act of stillness.
“The Lord will fight for you;
you need only to be still.”
(Exodus 14:14)
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