My name is Sarah and I'm 27.
I'm a follower of Jesus Christ and I seek to know Him more each day.
I'm a daughter to 2, a sister to 1, and a friend to many.
I am a godmother to my sweet girl Zo.
I teach first grade.
I was born and raised in the Midwest.
I love to travel and create and take pictures.
I have a lot of dreams. Some of them have already come true.
I am constantly inspired by life.
I like trying new things.
I love chocolate ice cream.
I enjoy reading, and highlighting and underlining and remembering the good parts.
I look forward to being a wife and a mama. All in the Lord's perfect time.
I am an introvert. But fully realize the importance of investing in relationships.
I like finding treasures at garage sales and thrift stores.
I have my own home and it has its own porch. Such a dream!
I collect coins, pictures, and books.
I am second and He is first.
I have a purpose and a destiny.
Questions? Feel free to email me at sajoda89(at)gmail(dot)com.
"When a woman has a kingdom heart, she has an active understanding of what matters most to the heart of God. She lives in the balance of passion and contentment. She learns to love well, give without regard to self, and forgive without hesitation. The woman with a kingdom heart may have a duffel bag full of possessions or enough treasures to fill a mansion, but she has learned to hold them with an open hand. Hold everything with open hands. I don't think we are ever allowed to grab hold of anything or anyone as though they matter more than the kingdom of heaven. When you hold relationships with open hands, then people come in and out of your life as gifts of grace to be cherished and enjoyed, not objects to be owned and manipulated. And then when you hold your dreams with open hands, you get to watch God resurrect what seemed dead and multiply what seemed small."
ARCHIVES: Tumblr Blog (March 2009-July 2010).