1. volunteer in Africa (January 15 - May 13, 2010)
2. sponsor a Compassion/World Vision child
Her name is Jane. She is 8. She lives in Rwanda. She likes art and math. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up. It's a pretty perfect match-up. I pray we get to meet each other some day.
3. marry my best friend
4. travel to the 6 (not including Antarctica) continents ...3 so far!
(visited 5 countries) (2.22%)
5. learn how to sew using a sewing machine (May 9, 2011)
6. sleep under the stars
7. take a homeless person out to eat
8. drive across America from coast to coast
9. go on a cruise
10. develop a small photography business (sorta kinda Fall 2015)
11. teach in an urban school (August 2012 - current)
12. attend a Hillsong conference
13. visit the International House of Prayer prayer room (February 17, 2011)
14. learn how to play the acoustic guitar
15. donate to "Locks of Love" ... 15 inches! (May 28, 2011)
16. visit the Amazon Jungle
17. adopt a pet
18. become a foster parent (licensed Aug. 2016; first placement Sept. 2016)
19. run a marathon
20. be someone’s mentor
21. get my Bachelor’s Degree (May 2012)
22. be a mama
23. swim with dolphins
24. skydive
25. be passionate about a cause and spend time helping it
26. learn how to play the djembe drum
27. have a piece of my artwork displayed in a gallery
28. be able to count to 10 in 10 different languages ...3 so far!
29. ride in a hot air balloon
30. buy my own home
31. kayak (July 2016 - Vermont!)
32. visit every state (in progress!)
33. read the entire Bible (working on it!)
34. have a craft room in my house
35. have a garden (April 2016)

36. run a race (2 mile Morton Pumpkin Festival Run in 25 min - September 17, 2011)
37. run a 5k (Runners for Boston - April 22, 2013; Race for the Cure - May 11, 2013; Run RiverCity - May 19, 2013)
38. run a 10k (Morton Pumpkin Festival Run - September 14, 2013; September 19, 2015)

39. teach someone English
40. run a half marathon (Run RiverCity - May 18, 2014)
41. get my Masters Degree
* i like having a list like this. according to the teacher who assigned the project to us in that community college class back in 2009, “When you write things down, you will be surprised of the opportunities that come up and allow you to accomplish those dreams. Having a list of some of the things you want to accomplish in your lifetime, in some crazy way, almost seems to make those things actually happen.”