Wednesday, June 22, 2016

In the Hallway

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you."
(Isaiah 26:3)

In the hallway of life
where many doors have been placed,
I have been praying for opportunities
and have been seeking His face.
I can feel His presence
and am calling out for His peace,
Yet when a door closes,
It's so hard to leave.

Not for fear of the hallway,
for I believe this journey is covered in light.
And not for fear of a new door,
because He reigns even over the darkest night.

But rather, it's a matter of change...
The transition from known to unknown, 
From a comfortable space to a more trusting place.
So I may not excitedly close the door behind me as I go
and I may tiptoe out with hesitancy,
but I will take hold of the One who holds me,
and listen intently to whispers of "It'll be okay..."
I will keep my eyes fixed on my Father,
my Strength, my Peace, my Shepherd, my Hope...
And joyfully travel the hallway,
All the way home.

"Until God opens the next door for you,
praise Him in the hallway."
- Unknown

Monday, June 20, 2016


My cup is overflowing
because God is just too good.
He answers prayers,
He turns dreams into realities...
that's just the nature of who He is.

Now, I'm in need of the saucer...
to support when situations are weighty,
to catch the more-than-enough provision.
And, to remind me:
that there is purpose in the carrying.

My focus then, is on seeing the table...
a place to gather and to glean,
a space to see His glory and goodness,
where life is shared and He is seen.
Where there is room for all to meet.

"...You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord forever."
(Psalm 23:5-6)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Reflections on Freedom

"Too many of us are not living our dreams
because we are living our fears."
- Les Brown

"Sister, come near and listen:
You are smart and capable,
strong and wise.
You are an overcomer,
a prized member of the body of Christ.
You have so much to offer.
You can gather your girlfriend tribe
and raise kids together,
providing the happiest childhood they ever complained about.
You can crack open your Bible
and preach good news for the poor.
You can model faithful friendship around your table,
and you can stretch your hand across oceans to mamas everywhere.
You can do small work.
You can do big work.
You are so able in Jesus,
so beloved,
so permitted.
You are approved.
You are a worker.
You have no need to be ashamed.
You are a truth-teller.
You are a sanctioned,
honorable operative in the splendid task of loving God and people.
You have a role.
Your place is secure.
If not you, who?
Who else will deliver hope to your people?
Who else will embrace the weary and lonely?
Who else will teach the good Word and claim its promises?
Who else will laugh at the days to come with courage?
Who else will raise your children in strength?
Who else will take responsibility for your people and your place?
You will.
We will together.
We will cheer each other on,
refusing to speak doubt into our gifts.
It's time.
Don't wait for permission;
we've already been given it.
Lead, sister.
You have authority to use your home as a sanctuary,
your hands as tools of healing,
your voice as an instrument of hope,
your gifts as channels of incredible power.
Let's do this.
Let's fulfill the good word we've been commissioned to.
Silence any voice that whispers "not enough"
and stand in truth as an approved worker.
You are.
Jesus made you so.
If Jesus covered it all,
then He covered it all.
You are now approved,
like it or not.
Wrangle whatever holds you down
or holds you back.
You are too vital to lose years to regret
or shame or insecurity or fear.
We are not slaves to those masters;
Jesus saw to that.
Face your issues with courage, sister,
because truth and love win,
and you have both those cards to play."

- Jen Hatmaker (For the Love)

"Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. 
Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed 
and who correctly explains the word of truth." 
(2 Timothy 2:15)

"Abide in His Word daily --- live free."
- Christine Caine (Unashamed)

Sunday, June 12, 2016


"And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. 
And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, 
we also know that he will give us what we ask for." 
(1 John 5:14-15)

Nearly a year ago, I specifically prayed that my gifts, talents, time, and money would be used to serve others in new ways. I prayed that I also would have the courage to step out of my comfort zone and out of the "background" in various situations if that is what the Lord was calling me to do. I prayed that hours of loneliness would be replaced by hours of joy, that my life would be full rather than just not "busy", and that I would recognize all the graces and the gifts of this precious life.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
(John 10:10)

To say the least, I have been surprised with various opportunities the past 12 months to do just that.
However, I have not been surprised by the Lord's faithfulness.

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."
(1 Peter 4:10)

Our God is intentional in all that He does. I pray that we strive to mirror that intentionality in our pursuit of Him, using our gifts, and loving others well.

"Don't forget to remember that God is currently preparing YOU 
for what He has already prepared FOR you - everything matters!"
- Christine Caine

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Speaking of Marks

People leave marks.
Experiences leave marks.
Everything in life,
makes a mark.

Marks can be hurtful,
And some marks become scars.
Long after the person is gone,
long after the experience has ceased,
The mark that was made,

We can't let marks define us though,
because they can be overcome.
We might not be able to erase them,
because they have left an impression.
But the thing about marks --- they can speak.
And, even though they may never fully leave,

They can inspire us to seek
a life once characterized by confusion,
to a life that's complete with understanding.
A life once seemingly lost,
now one that's known and fully found.
A life full of loneliness,
now set in a place of belonging.
Where abuse
can bring awakening,
and hurts 
can be conquered with hopes.
Because these marks,
these scars,
they can be healed.
Lives full of trauma,
can be made well

"The best we can do is give them Jesus. 
Not rules, not behaviors, not entertainment, not shame. 
I have no confidence in myself but every confidence in Jesus... 
He is always the true answer, 
the strongest touchstone, the best example... 
Jesus is the only thing that will endure... 
He is the only constant, 
the only Savior that held through the ages. 
Jesus is the best marker that exists, 
so let's raise Him high." 
- Jen Hatmaker (For the Love)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The White Chair

"...looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, 
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, 
and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." 
(Hebrews 12:2)

He has provided for me a white chair,
not stained or tarnished.
A white chair, to hold me securely without any harness.
A place to sit
At the table
In pure communion
With the One who is able,
The Wonderful Counselor,
The Founder and Perfecter
of my faith.

A white chair, with spindles that support
Like scripture that dispels lies,
And mercy that renews sight.
A white chair, that keeps me
A place to sit
Every day.

A place where I can speak out and be heard,
A place where I am spoken to,
A place where I belong.
A place where I am seen and called beloved.
Here --- resting safely on this white chair.

The white chair built by the Carpenter with scars on His hands,
Scars from the life-saving work He did for me on that cross.
That's the Man who built this chair...
The Great Redeemer, my Hope forever.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


“Be still, and know that I am God...” (Psalm‬ ‭46:10‬)

What does it look like to be still? Is it enough to BE... without movement? Or is it rather to EXIST... without concern or critique or care? Or maybe being still requires ACTION... making a decision to not settle in solitude or despair but rather to foster a space that will bring spiritual and mental clarity, creativity, and a sense of CALM over your life. Perhaps in the stillness, you have an opportunity to wrestle with your wonderings... and make sense of your wandering? Perhaps being still requires letting go? When you collaborate with the God of the Universe, BE STILL, and know that He is taking into consideration every facet of your well-being... could you fully trust that if He's holding the WORLD than He is certainly holding YOU?

What keeps us from this trust? What barriers limit our understanding of this love? Why is it so hard to believe that we are worthy of this love? A worthiness that has no prerequisites...

So... Stillness. Freedom. Clarity. Are these ideas connected? How do you pursue stillness? If you don't still yourself, do you think the circumstances of the world will still YOU? What might that look like?

I urge you, friends... to consider and pursue the act of stillness. 

“The Lord will fight for you; 
you need only to be still.” 
(Exodus‬ ‭14:14‬)