Saturday, June 18, 2011


on August 23, 2010, i started a journey to intentionally lose weight, eat "better", and be more active. after the first 2 months, i reached a wall... having lost about 10 pounds but wanting to lose more, i begin to be conscious of my bread intake (i LOVE bread!). so, i did that for the whole month of November, and that minor change in my diet really helped "reactivate" my weight loss. during the whole first 6 months, i lost 20 pounds. in February, though, i reached a plateau. my weight loss fluctuated, for the next 3 months, between 20-25 pounds.

in may, i started doing the 3-2-1 program designed by Slim Fast. the program was easy to keep track of: three 100 calorie snacks, two Slim Fast shakes, and one 500 calorie balanced meal... along with a suggested intake of 8 cups of water... each day. i rocked on the water part, could do the snacking and shakes, but struggled when it came to a "balanced" meal. for one, it is plain difficult to cook a meal for one person. it's easy, but it almost seems like a waste of time to spend more time preparing and cooking the meal than it does to eat it. so that is just frustrating. and for two, buying and finishing "balanced meal" foods before their expiration date is a difficult task for one person as well. i kept up with Slim Fast for 2 weeks.

in regards to being active, i went to the gym a few times a month, went on walk-runs with friends often, did a few sessions of yoga (which i loved!), and obviously walked to all my classes August through May. once the weather got really nice in May, i walked-ran a few miles almost every day... for a week.

it is now the middle of June.
and i have simply maintained my weight loss of 20 pounds.

some weeks are better than others in regards to how i feel. sometimes i feel discouraged and as if i am in some sort of slump. i still (for the most part) am conscious about what i eat and really only ever drink water. most times, though, i feel good. i feel better than i once did, but not as good as i know i one day will feel. i am grateful that i am healthy but i have a strong desire to be more fit.

but although i have this desire, i am realizing that i never really took this whole weight loss journey to the Lord in prayer. He has surely given me a great success already, but usually starting every week off with the intention to do everything in my power to continue to lose weight, but not seeing results, is proving to not be very effective.

today was Peoria's annual Steamboat Race and over 5000 people participated. i stood with friends right before the finish line and watched as hundreds of runners made their way through. i am sure they felt so accomplished! you could see triumph on their faces and their strides were so heartfelt and they were determined! i yearn for that- the feeling of great triumph, taking heartfelt strides, and being determined- in my journey of losing weight, eating "better, and being more active.

so, racers, vibe, and concept of Steamboat, you are a catalyst in this journey to keep me keepin' on. i feel a transformation of thought taking place in my mind that as much as this is a desire of mine, it is a journey i must take along with the Lord... through his strength and through prayer that is intentional. i feel that i have accomplished something, but i know that i am to accomplish more.

this is just the beginning of a forever lifestyle.

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