It is awesome to me when people recognize the things and work of the Lord, whether they specifically recognize it as His doing or not. I think recognizing is the first step to believing something. Recognizing a need or a desire comes before you pursue fulfilling that need or desire. Recognizing how much you need a savior and to be covered in the purest love, leads you to believe that somewhere somehow that savior and love do exist. Because why would your heart desire something that would never be attainable? Why would there be a lack in your life, a place for something to come, if your life was full and complete?
Lately, I have been so captivated by God's recognizable work in my life, in the church, in the hearts of my friends, and in the hearts and lives of people I meet and interact with perhaps only for a second. For example, customers at JCPenney.
Let me first point out, that along with dressing the mannequins and working with fun girls, interacting with customers and helping them save money, are what I like most about my job. At times it saddens my heart when we go over the morning goals or a report of previous sales is shared, because SO much money is spent. And obviously it is a business and that is how it operates, by sales... But that is one reason I never really wanted to work retail - because of the concept behind the job: promoting the purchase of items which people probably don't need.
In the past (almost) 9 months that I've had this job, I have experienced so much though. And I recognize that. Not only am I a master clothes folder (ha!) but I have had the opportunity to interact with so many different people - from Indian families to African mamas, from elderly men looking for their wives in the store to kids destroying straightened stacks of shirts (annoying!), from rich to poor, from intelligent to challenged, from joyful to depressed - authentic diversity.
Friday night, I worked for 4.5 hours and in those few hours, I was inspired to write this blog, because so many customers recognized a simplicity as something more. And I really think if we did just that in our own lives, recognizing the simplicities as something more, we would be revealed to the intricate details that the plan holds for our lives and days.
recognize the goodness
A weekly JCP ad is often a part of newspapers which are delivered to many homes and businesses. The information and coupons in the ad are free to the public and hopefully people would take advantage of them because they are good deals - if you're gonna buy something, why not save a little of the money you are going to spend!
A family was buying "walking" shoes for their twin, a week from turning one, children. The shoes were almost $30 a pair... but with the coupon "$10 off $25", I knew that they were eligible of saving some money on their purchase. So I applied the coupon and having not even known there was a coupon circulating at the time, surprised the family with a little blessing. The mom recognized it and said, "Oh thank you so much, that really helps us!" as she thumbed through her cash and handed over $50 to pay for the shoes her babies needed. As I placed her change in her hand, she looked me in the eyes and said, "That was such a blessing, thank you." I smiled and wished her a good night. I may have done the work of blessing but I surely do not consider myself as the blesser. There was a coupon and a customer and I simply put the two together.
I pray that woman and family see that blessing as a work of the Lord - a providing-out-of-love blessing from His very own hands.
recognize the reality
One opportunity that we are given to serve the customers is to order an item for them if the size they are needing is out of stock or simply unavailable at our store. When customers order the item through the actual store and not through JCP online, they are able to get the price that the item is in the store.
On Friday night, a lady needed a size 8 of black Reebok princess shoes. She just wanted a plain ol' size 8, not 1/2 or not wide. So we needed to order her a pair, and apply the aforementioned coupon to her order. I went through the process of ordering the shoes and then forgot to apply the coupon. She paid and then questioned how the total of her purchase was so similar to the sale price of the shoes. I apologized for completely blanking on applying the coupon and went through the process then of completing a return, giving her money back, repurchasing the shoes, applying the coupon, receiving her money, and giving her change and a new receipt. Phew! Not a hard process, but just a long one. I apologized and she simply responded with a smile and "It's okay honey, it just shows you're human." And it totally does! I simply forgot about the coupon. People forget things. People make mistakes.
So often we are quick to judge people on their imperfections, on their simple human-ness. And yet we sing and ask for the gift of God's eyes and to see people how He does. Do we receive that gift? Do we see the soul behind the flesh? I pray that we will. It's a daily, moment-to-moment choice we should make.
recognize the calling
Sometimes we question why we are where we are. It's a natural tendency to wonder I think, whether we are in a place of contentment or not. After returning to America from Italy, where I felt that I was living days that were so purposeful, I had a few thoughts as to why I was in Bloomington-Normal, IL, USA pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education and working part-time at JCP.

Many of us are called to several places, cultures, or kind of work in our lifetimes. I think it shows our dedication to those callings when we speak of and are passionate about them. Maybe now is not the time for a specific calling on your life to be fulfilled, but since it's a desire of your heart, believe that the season and time will come. We need to recognize our callings, embrace them, and live them out. No matter how small you feel a calling is, trust that it was placed over you for a reason.
Acknowledge the existence of the Lord's work in your life. It's there if you open your eyes. If you ate a meal today, He has provided for you. Recognize it and be grateful. You'll become overwhelmed by his loving kindness towards you.
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