Saturday, November 13, 2010

two lists, two years, same day

a year ago today, i wrote these "dears":

dear icc, please turn on the heat. i don’t like freezing on the days i visit you.

dear chanel, i am thankful for your friendship and our sweet laughter and natural fun.

dear starbucks, your drinks make it feel like christmas… keep up the good work.

dear alyse, you are so funny… especially when it comes to crafts involving glue and sticks.

dear kenya, i will be leaving to come see you in just 2 months!

dear target, you always have cute things to buy. you take my money, but i enjoy you.

dear God, thank you for your faithfulness and joy. i couldn’t do anything without you.

dear pictures, i appreciate your ability to bring back old memories.

dear pre-travel planning, please do not overwhelm or stress me out.

dear creativity, thank you for flowing nicely and through so many outlets.


today, i write these "dears":

dear patience, i am seeking you out but at times you are hard to find.

dear global warming, you are very kind when you make fall last til mid-november.

dear jcp, it's nice being on the inside and knowing about all the sales & coupons.

dear camp adventure, you've captured my attention.

dear djembe, i think we are going to be best friends.

dear following natural instincts, thanks for leading me to find $10 today.

dear mom, thanks for the subway gift card.

dear ben, thanks for the past 11 weeks. i'm proud of you.

dear dad, thanks for always making me laugh.

dear week before thanksgiving break, please don't be too crazy busy.

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