Monday, May 30, 2016

Rise Up

I've been wearing this ring daily for a year now —
"I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

A reminder to choose a perspective in every situation. To choose a posture of living. To focus on what Jesus has said and done for me instead of what the world has said and done. A choice to see my present and my future through the "resurrection lens" instead of the "shame lens". 

Some moments, and days, I am fully aware of my choice of the faultier, blurrier, hopeless, sorrow-filled lens... and I let it be. For it may just be necessary for that day and space in time. But, from a place of remembering His victory and kindness toward me, I eventually replace that lens with that which is more hope-filled, pure, purpose-driven, and clear. That of resurrection and redemption.

No shame can keep me down, for He will raise me up. No fear can hinder what God has called me into. There may be tears, but I will choose to believe that He catches them all. There may be heartache and grief, but I will choose to believe that He will always catch me when I fall. He has prepared a way — giving me strength for each moment and each approaching day.

"Being set free and walking in freedom are not the same. 
The first was done for us by Jesus, 
but the second we must choose to do ourselves in his strength and by his grace... 
Salvation is just the door to what is possible. 
It is the KEY to finding deliverance and freedom." 
- Christine Caine (Unashamed)

What lens and perspective are you living from a place of? Are you in a season of despair? Are you longing for peace? I encourage you to seek Him and continue the process to full freedom.

“And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. 
Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” (Mark‬ ‭5:34‬)

Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Turning Point

I'm in the process of updating this space --- from 'capturing life' to 'write. now.'
A transition and turning point from the power of captured images to the power of the written word.
A place where I will share, when I'm inspired to write... reflections on the now.
A place to keep record of testimonies, heartaches, dreams, and encounters.
To, at times, simply retreat from present circumstances and make sense of my thoughts.
This is a new beginning. In so many ways.
A somewhat spiritual, every-area-of-my-life, awakening.

You are invited to join me on the journey in this space.
I can't promise consistent positivity, but I can guarantee complete authenticity.
As I discover more of who I am and explore more fully what the Lord has for me.
Know this, there will be a lot of hymn references because hymns are for traveling...
and there's no such thing as staying in one place when you are on a journey such as this.

"What heights of love, what depths of peace... when fears are stilled, when strivings cease.
My Comforter, my All in All... here in the love of Christ, I stand."