i am constantly being reminded of the promise that is this verse. which then brings me to a place of reflection over God's continued faithfulness and provision. i stand in awe everyday, seeing that the sun has risen once again, knowing that HE is Lord and that He knows my heart's desires even more than i do. recently, i have found myself skilled in managing my time but yet being extremely blessed by the somethings that i never could have planned for. God does not belong in a box and cannot be controlled by our wants and actions, because HE is the one who knows what we need... HE is the one who knows our lives from beginning to end... and HE is the one who deserves all of our praise.
so with that said, i believe that this past weekend is worthy of a rave. its pieces fit together so perfectly and blessed me in a way that i never could have tried to administer on my own- the limbos, spontaneity, laughter, simplicity, and conversations of complete sincerity.
this beautiful new friend has blessed my life so much in the past month. we stay up so late, share every story under the sun, laugh about infomercials, eat yummy snacks like "pizza? pie. cake!" (according to me&micah) and puppy chow, get coffee in to-go cups even though we'd prefer the real ones, laugh about pumpkin pie, eat grilled pizza, help kids with their homework and laugh hysterically about rhymes and goats, keep warm by fires or with blankets, clean up from garage sales, laugh and go crazy about flying insects, brainstorm ideas, encourage one another, and laugh some more. we sure have got something good goin' on <3
spending time with the dakin clan will always bless me, i am sure of it. smiles from pais, laughing at juju, cuddling with sweet baby girl, having too much fun with foz, sharing in meaningful and heartfelt conversations with their mama, and seeing their dad hard at work pursuing a dream of his, remind me of the greatness of stories. their story. my story. all of our stories. the ins and outs, the ups and downs... the beauty that our vapor-like lives can carry.
it was a mere 5 years ago when i met these girls. they still bless me to this day because their spirits are full of joy, their souls are strong and true, and their hearts are overflowing with love... and now one of them is a mrs.! so crazy, yet so wonderful...
my dad loves nascar and hunting and fishing... and my mom loves to garden, cut coupons, and read the newspaper... and i do live 45 min away and see them only a few times a month, but the time when i am surrounded by their presence, i feel blessed. blessed because i have good parents who support me, laugh with me, and try their hardest to enjoy a night out for dinner even if the restaurant is loud. i wouldn't trade them for the world...
all in all, i believe that these people are blessing me so much because i am being reminded of bits of the heart of God that hold fast through all circumstances, love through all trials, and reveal greatness when i am least expecting it. friendships that began years ago have been wonderful and the new ones are seemingly just as grand. being able to sit down, learn about what comprises another person's story, and laugh about the simplest things, makes my heart beat big. it's quite humbling to feel that my heart's desires have truly come from the Lord and that He is fulfilling them to their greatest potential, in His perfect time. life has many beautiful tales to tell, and the 55 hours of this past weekend certainly seemed worthy of a rave.